I survived COVID. Here's my story


I survived COVID and here is my story


“My husband is in the police force and his duty was deployed in the chief minister’s house as part of the COVID team. His job content included ensuring that all people entering the chief minister’s house are well sanitized, wear a mask and follow the protocols. It also included overseeing the staff and ensuring their safety as well. Ever since the rumour spread, that the CM was down with COVID, my husband was also quarantined for he was always in close proximity with the CM.

And one day, it happened--my biggest fear came true when he had a fever and was diagnosed with COVID. Thanks to his position, we as a family, me and my two children, were all quickly moved to the hospital and given a small ward of our own where beds had been arranged for just the four of us. And all of us also tested positive for COVID. 

I did not sleep the night the results came. I kept crying and saying to God,”Why us?” “Why did my husband have to take up such a job” “He has put me and my children’s safety at stake.” “What if something serious happens.”

I was a nervous mess...constantly twisting and turning in the bed, worried and fuming with a helpless anger. Angry at my husband and the world and the people and the CM and the man who gave the CM the virus.

Morning too was difficult for me to pass. I slapped my little 8-year-old girl just for spilling the water glass!!! 

During the day, besides our treating doctor, we had a visit from a psychologist also. She spoke to each one of us and when it was my turn, it was as if someone had opened the floodgates of angst. I told her all about how angry I was and that I could have hit someone for this. 

She counselled me on accepting the situation with a more positive feeling and that anger is not going to take me anywhere. It is going to ruin my family and peace of mind. She also gave me a few activities and therapy ideas for the moments when the anger would overpower me. 

During the day also we were given the option of going back home since our symptoms were mild and we took it up. 

It has been now the 20th day since the infection set in. We are all almost cured except for that one occasional bout of coughing. We are still following precautions and not meeting anyone till all the symptoms go away completely.

At home, with the advice of the counsellor handy, it was easier for me to deal with not just the disease of the body but the mind also. We all divided work as per our abilities. This kept us busy and built a never-before camaraderie in my family. We joked about my husband’s cleaning, and my son’s bedsheet laying talent; I was jokingly referred to as Commander-in-Chief since I was giving out all the orders. Between work and home, we managed time for a board game and some studies and art work too since really there was nothing to disturb us. No going out, no outside work, no one calling in.

I had my occasional anger issues, but the therapies and some online counselling helped me.

Sure, COVID is serious and bad; it is important to keep yourself safe; but having sailed on the other side, I have also realised that getting mildly infected is not the end of the world if you don’t have any co-morbities or other concerns. Treat it seriously but don’t let it overpower your life,” shares Shailja Mahajan with us. (Name changed on request).