I worry about my patients as much as about me

While everyone is talking about the doctors and nurses who are looking after the COVID patients, the worry and pressure that gynaecologists are facing during these extremely difficult times is something that needs to be highlighted too. When Dr Piya Sharma expressed her anxiety while treating pregnant women with the pandemic looming outside, many empathized with her point  of view.

She said, “I’ve helped deliver 11 babies during this pandemic phase. Every time I had to perform a C-section or even normal delivery, I felt like the child’s future and safety was literally in my hands. What if the baby got infected in my care? What if the mother got infected and then would  have post-op complications? What if I get infected and my patients are left midway? What if I get infected in my hospital and carry the virus not just to my patients but also my own family? All these doubts and questions have built up so much pressure on me that it is inexplicable”. 

“I try and not call my patients to the clinic just to keep them, the baby and me safe. But I cannot foresee emergencies. A few women experience unbearable cramps and if they drop at the clinic without an appointment, I cannot ask them to leave either. These unplanned visits tense me a lot. Though they happen rarely, I have to be prepared for such conditions. 

When the women come in for sonography and normal checkups I advise them not to get any family member along. I know it is risky for them to travel alone but this is the only way I can avoid unnecessary interactions. Nowadays the stress is bothering pregnant women during their delivery. This makes my job even more difficult as I need to be  their counsellor as well. All this is just adding to my workload and the stress.”

She also pointed on the trust that seems to be fading in the current time amongst her new patients, “The new patients consult me when I am in my protective gear at all times. Also, unwillingly I have to impose tough rules on them which makes me appear cold and insensitive. I had to make it mandatory for only 1 family member to be present at the hospital. When I try to put myself in my patient’s place I sometimes think how I would react in such a condition. Would I trust my doctor? What if my baby is born with the infection? I just wish that this pandemic ends sooner, I cannot risk any more cases and patients or myself either,” she adds concernedly.