Insomnia in healthcare workers, an increasing concern


As the war against COVID continues, a disturbing trend is that increase in insomnia reportings and other sleep issues with healthcare workers. Nearly 36% of the workforce reported insomnia.

And insomnia was directly linked to a disturbed state of mind, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Out of the 36% who reported insomnia, 87% reported feeling depressed.

That is why it is of utmost importance that the healthcare workers get the requisite rest and sleep, as much as they can manage even with the overload of work.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Infodemic is making you sleepless, not the pandemic: It has been noted in many countries fighting COVID, that false, or wrong rumours spread through social media has more people upset and worried than the virus itself. The same goes for healthcare workers; they are sometimes subjected to incorrect information about the government running out of PPE sets etc that bothers them. It is therefore suggested to remove yourself from any social media and too much of NEWS consumption to maintain the balance of mind. 
  2. You should seek medical intervention or psychological counselling to put your mind to rest and help them sleep better. Sleep is essential for proper functioning and continuing your duties in the hard times. Therefore in case insomnia is becoming an issue, you should ask for help.
  3. It is necessary for you to take your scheduled breaks and to ease your mind off their patients for sometime. You can utilise this time for meditation, a light workout, watching a funny movie, talking to friends..anything that keeps you in touch with the world besides your patients.
  4. Humour is the only thing that will help you get over this situation. Watch a funny movie, crack jokes with your colleagues, take time out to read a funny book. Nothing relaxes the mind faster than some light-hearted fun.
  5. Indulge in some non-competitive board games with your colleagues in free time to feel unburdened and relaxed. But it is essential to keep the games simple, not something that will aggravate you further.