Child care during coronavirus lockdown


. Maintain routines 

To the extent possible, maintain a regular schedule to reassure children and promote physical and mental health. Children need structure, so encourage them to continue learning, playing, eating and sleeping on the same schedule.

2. Keep them connected

Develop plans for them to connect with friends or extended family in safe way, whether it’s by phone, text or video chat.

3. Watch your words 

When tensions are high, sometimes we try to place blame or focus our energies on others. Remember, a virus can infect anyone, so don’t make assumptions about who might have COVID-19. In addition, be aware of any comments that other adults are making around your children, explaining what those comments mean if they are different from the values you teach.

4. Manage media consumption

Limit the amount of screen time focused on COVID-19. Too much information can lead to unnecessary anxiety. Let your child know that not everything they hear on TV or the internet is accurate, and tell them you will help them find factual information as they need it. This will not only reduce their anxiety but yours as well. 

5. Give them tasks to do

Keeping children’s minds focused on tasks eliminates a lot of their stress. You can structure playtime, assign chores or ask them to create something, Keep their minds focused on a goal and not on things out of their control.