I did the unthinkable, I put my pet up for adoption!


“Tin Tin has been with me for the past three years--also the toughest phase in my life. Putting him up for adoption is killing me slowly but I guess it is the best thing for him right now”, said Preet, a 36-year-old man from Pune. 

While we are all worried about the effects of the pandemic on the mental health of the people, the phase has become particularly difficult for some pet parents. Due to job loss, financial crisis, movement away from city to hometown etc., many pet parents, such as Preet, are opting to put up their beloved dogs and cats up for adoption. The owners are forced to give away their family members--their darling pets--for a better life. While it breaks the heart of the owners, most animal experts also say that it is very difficult for the pet too to be separated from its parent and move to a new house. The agonising process leaves the family mourning the pet separation and the pet confused and sad. 

Preet had lost his job during the lockdown period and wasn’t able to afford the upkeep of Tin Tin, his St Bernard pet. Tin Tin’s meals, medication, and other things not only were expensive but also very demanding--and in his current state Preet felt that it was beyond him to attend to Tin Tin. When he’d posted about Tin Tin’s adoption on his social media, most of his friends messaged him asking the reason because they were all aware how much Preet, his wife, and 3 year-old-son loved Tin Tin. 

He said, “I am basically from Mumbai and due to my job I moved here. I have rented an apartment and brought in Tin Tin one day. He has been with me all my years I’ve been in Pune. Every month I used to spend around 10,000/- on him; he is my child you know. But, now with no job and having to sustain on my savings--pay rent, EMIs, my son’s playschool fees etc.--things were getting very difficult to manage financially. 

Lockdown was initiated during the summers and in these hot summer days, Tin Tin has to be continuously in an A/C room. But I had to stop using the A/C as the electricity bill was something I needed to cut down on. So I used to only switch it on at night, but Tin Tin started to get hot and showing symptoms of illness due to heat. I didn’t want to see him so agitated, but I had no choice. I started feeding Tin Tin rotis and milk, something he used to have in the beginning, but once he was older, I switched to pedigree and chicken; the roti is just not right for him. He doesn’t even want to eat it half the time. 

I have too many things to look after and Tin Tin’s minimum expense is Rs 10,000 per month minus the A/C, vet charges, his grooming etc. Everything was just becoming very complicated and I was feeling like I was not able to take care of him as much as he needs. Which is why I thought I might put him up for adoption, why does he need to suffer with me? 

The decision tore my heart out of my body; me and my wife haven’t told our son yet since he will get very disturbed too. I have had sleepless nights over the decision, and the only way I convince myself is by repeatedly telling myself that it is for Tin Tin’s betterment. He will be happier in a more financially stable family.

My parents think I want to give Tin Tin away because I might want to commit suicide or do something wrong because of the financial stress and pressure. But all I want is for Bruno to have a good life and taking this decision of letting him go is almost equal to giving away my child. 

I was trolled on social media for this also when I had put up the advertisement on a social media site. Someone pointed out that maybe I should consider giving up my son since his upkeep must also be falling expensive. That statement stung me. I almost pulled the ad down thinking that this person is right. I will never give away my son so how is it possible for me to give away Tin Tin?

But then there are tough decisions to be taken. And I took this one...it not just purely a financial decision, but a survival strategy for both Tin Tin and us. If I can’t give Tin Tin right food and living conditions, he is bound to fall ill and it will affect his life also.

That is what convinced me to take this decision. I dread the day when someone comes to take him away--it will be as if my heart has been pulled out of my body with bare hands.

I am terrified of the prospect too. It has stressed me out to no end. Am I a bad owner to have taken this decision??”