If you plan to call your domestic help back, read these tips

With the government lifting up some of COVID lockdown rules, a very pertinent question in all our minds have been whether to hire our househelps back and if we decide to, then how to ensure our and their safety. And the anxiety also applies to if you plan to hire live-in helps. So, here is a short list prepared with the precautions you can follow if you are keen to seek the help of a domestic worker.

1) Masks are must: Keep two sets of mask for your househelp--one that they wear while coming to work and the other she changes and wears when she is in your home. Nothing from outside should come inside should be the rule.

2) Washing hands is a must: As soon as she enters, ask her to wash her hands thoroughly and properly.

3) If you have a high-risk patient at home, it is suggested that you keep a seperate set of clothes that your part timer house help can change into when she comes to your house. She can then wash and keep the set at your house itself.

4) While she is at home, please ask her to keep her mask on. It is advisable that you also wear your mask while she is at your house, working.

5) We have to maintain social distancing as much as possible--it is for the good of both of you. So, while she is cleaning one room, all your family members should not be there and move to another room.

6) Also, it is advisable that during work, she keeps her cell phone and any other thing aside so that she is does not touch them during work.

7) If she cooks for you, avoid asking her to cut salad or fruit. Cooking food will kill any virus on the surface but eating raw, uncooked food might be a challenge. Best is you do those things yourself.

8) As you would, follow the social distancing rules and maintain distance while talking to her and instructing her.

9) Most condominiums and societies are doing temperature checks for fever. If you live in an independent house, it is important that you check any visitors for fever or use an oxymeter to check the oxygen levels in the blood. Experts are of the opinion that since COVID attacks the lungs, a dipping oxygen level in the blood can indicate the onset of the infection.

10) If you or any of your family members, or your maid shows symptoms of COVID--dry cough, fatigue, fever--please ask her not to come.

And at last be humane. Remember that your househelp is not necessarily a carrier of infection and that she is as prone to getting the infection from you as you from her. She is coming to work to your house because of her financial needs and you need to be empathetic about it. Also,do not ostracize anyone who chooses to call a househelp. We cannot judge how important help is for the other person. Infact as a rule, do not judge at all!!!